The third short-term joint staff event took place in Joniškis

16 teachers from Slovakia, Italy, Guadeloupe (France) and Lithuania participated in short-term joint staff event activities. The first day teachers were welcomed at school hall by students and school administration. Later they had school tour to find out Lithuanian school and had Lithuanian language lesson. The first day workshops were organized to teach colleagues how to create Art steps virtual exhibition and app for video editing was introduced. The first day afternoon teachers visited Joniškis “Saulės” basic school and Joniškis town Municipality where they had a meeting with Joniškis vice mayor Vaida Aleknavičienė. After meetings teachers had guided tour in Joniškis.

The Second day teachers started from workshop-lesson “Global warming “with Geography teacher using Google Classroom and Google Docs. The next continuing workshop on editing stop motion movie with app. Teachers created blank video, uploaded movie and audio, splited movie, added shapes, titles and subtitles, credits, added audio. On the afternoon teachers had a workshop “Reuse of waste: Doll making and scarecrow factory visiting” in Žagarė. Teachers explored Žagarė with Lithuanian teacher  guidance.

 The third day teachers visited Vilnius University Institute of Geosciences where met head of Institute prof. dr. Egidijus Rimkus. First, teachers had a lecture:  “Climate change. Is the World about change?” and next presentation was about sustainable life. The lecturer was  Gintarė Klimienė (Geography teacher of Contemporary school centrum). After workshops teachers had guided tour in Vilnius old town and visited Trakai.

 The last day of the meeting teachers discussed about project managing, last activities that should be organized, publishing materials on eTwinning Twinspace. The final project evaluation was discussed and decided to create google forms to question teachers, students and their parents about project activities, management, impact and implementation.